[email protected]

Legal Status



Registration No:-               Registration No: 22736/326 of 2008 Issued against Reg. No. 19150/7 of 1990-91 of Registrar of Societies, Orissa, Cuttack

MoA :-                                      Memorandum of Association

FCRA:-                                Registered under FCRA Act 1976 on September 27, 1995 bearing No: 104870115 & Renewed on 28.10.2016

Income TAX:-                     Regn. No. AAATU1223FE20214, 01-Sub clause (i) of clause (ac) of sub -section (1) of section 12A, Dated 28.05.2021

80G:-                                   Regn. No. AAATU1223FF20214, under 11-Clause (i) of first provision to sub-section (5) of section 80G, Dated:28.05.2021

PAN No:-                             AAATU1223F

TAN No:-                             BBNG00758C

GST NO :-          

NGO Darpan UID:-             OR/2009/0013905

NSDC Certificate :-              Obtained Certificate from NSDC as TP38248

CVC certificate 
:-                Central Vigilance Commission Certificate
TISS certificate :-               Tata Instisute of Social Sciences partnership Certificate

MSME Certificate :-            Udyam Registration Certificate, No- UDYAM-17-0009967

MCA-CSR-1 Certificate:-   MCA - CSR - 1 Certificate, No - CSR00000041