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Distinguished Visitors at Gram-Utthan since 2010
Mr. Robert Gradoville Jr, International Program Manager, Water.org. USA
Ms. Lesely Poris, International Program Manager, Water.org, USA
Ms. Marcia Metcalf, Director Health Protection FFH, USA
Mr. Steve Hollingworth, President, Freedom From Hunger, USA
Madam Ann Griffith wife of Steve Hollingworth, USA
Ms. Kathleen Stack,VP, Africa and Asia,
Mr. Kim Andrup, Major Donor Relations Officer, USA
Mr. Grover Thomas, Chair, Board of Trustees, Freedom From Hunger, USA
Ms. Cathy Thomas, donor/spouse, USA
Ms. Marie Brenner, Freelance journalist, USA
Ms. Sheila Leatherman,Trustee, Freedom FromHunger, USA
Ms. Ellen Breyer, Trustee, Freedom From Hunger, USA
Mr. Bill Robinson, Trustee, Freedom From Hunger, USA
Ms. Suzanne Skees, Donor, USA
Ms. Peggy O'Kane, Donor, USA
Ms. Emily Parkhurst, Donor, USA
Ms. Esther Levandoski, Donor, USA
Ms. Gerry Levandoski - Donor, USA
Mr. Valentine, FINISH Society, Netherland
Mr. Enrico Fabian, GIZ
Mr. Willy Bergogne, Country Representative, Terre des homes, the Netherlands
Ms. Leel Muluktla MacLean, Regional Director, South Asia, Terre des Foundation
Mr. Uday Shankar, Water.org's South Asia Regional Director
Mr. Ramesh Kumar, CMD, SPHMPL, New Delhi
Mr. S. Kale, CGM, NABARD
Dr. DSK Rao, South Asia Micro Credit Summit
Dr. Soumitra Dutta, Regional Manager (MAHP) Micro Finance & Health Protection, Asia
Mr. Manoj Gulati, Water.org, India
Mr. Pon Ananth, Regional Water Credit Officer, South Asia, Water.org
Mr. SA Nayakam, Senior WATSAN Officer, Water.org, India
Mr. Justin Jebakumar, Director, Delhi Program Implementation office, HFHI
Mr. Davidson Prince, Habitat for Humanity India
Ms. Manjulata Adlakha, Habitat for Humanity India
Ms. Yashasri Chaurasia, Bank of America
Our Funders
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