Mr. Govind Chandra Dash
The journey for social development in coastal Odisha started by Gram-Utthan in the year 1990 to bring sustainable smile on the faces of deprived people. Ever since the days of inception we have been concentrating our efforts on bringing out revolutionary and radical changes in developmental approach of the society. It all began with a group of just few committed people, but as time passed more and more enthusiastic and committed people came and joined us to strive for the envisioned changes.
Gram-Utthan endeavours for service to humanity in a multidimensional way, and is moving ahead to bring a visible and sustained change in the society. GU family has worked hard keeping in mind our vision, mission and goal to bring changes that are acceptable and sustainable. The various sectional areas of work that Gram-Utthan has undertaken till now involves livelihood, micro-enterprise promotion, food security and malnutrition correction, healthcare intervention, water and sanitation, housing, women empowerment, financial literacy, financial inclusion, integrated fish farming, addressing Issues related to migrants and access to portability entitlement, disaster preparedness and management & skill training initiatives etc.
We work in partnership with community, village and cluster level organizations, community based organizations, partners, associates, central government, state government and PRIs including like minded NGOs, CSOs, who have continually support to bring a positive change in the society and help in strengthening the community by devising sustainable techniques of development. Our journey has been possible because of many people who joined hands and walked with us.
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