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An Overview of Completed Projects



Supported by


Smokeless Chula, Water Fillterisation, Bio-Gas Organization of Beneficiaries, Family Planning, Rural Sanitation, Watershed Management, SAT Program, DWCRA, NFE, Adult Education, Micro Finance

OREDA, CAPART, New Delhi, CLEAR, Ministry of Welfare, HRD, Govt. Of India., R.D. Dep’t., DRDA, CAPART, R.M.K. Govt. Of India


Micro Finance, CLPC, Pani Panchayat, Relief & Rehabilitation, SHG Promotion and Support

NBCFDC, CARE Orissa, Govt. of Orissa


Micro Finance, CBDP, Grain Bank, FLC, EGS, Shelf Help Group Promotion

CARE, Orissa, OPEPA, Govt. of Orissa, SIDBI, FWWBI, ABN AMRO Bank, AXIS Bank, ICICI, HDFC, Planet Finance

2006- 2010

Micro Finance, Micro Enterprise (Livelihood Programs), RCH-II PHC (N), Management, Malaria, TB, VHSC Formation, ASHA, Training program, AGP, mf, Livelihood, Housing Micro Finance. Support to Ultra Poor

CARE, SIDBI, FWWBI, ABN AMRO Bank, AXIS Bank, ICICI, HDFC, Planet Finance, SBI, ABN AMRO Foundation, NRHM, SSWB. National Housing Bank, New Delhi. Rang-de


Development Finance, Housing, RCH-II Entrepreneurship Development, PHC(N) Management, Ultra Poor, Solar Dryer, Dal processing Unit, Mushroom Cultivation, Western Union Money Remittance. Migration, Health Education-cum-life save drug center. PROBE, Emergency Flood response project, Sustainable livelihood through Integrated pond fishing, Housing and WASH  Finance, Jaljeevika Project, Health &Nutrition security, Sustainable Livelihood Development of SC Community in an integrated Cluster based Approach, Sakti- Varta.

NHB,ABN AMRO Bank, FWWBI, AXIS, HDFC, Manaveeya Holdings, ICICI, DCB, NHB, NABARD, Govt. of Orissa, Rang-De, Freedom From Hunger, OUAT, Western Union (Wizmann), Science & Tech. Dept. Govt. of India. CARE INDIA FINISH SOCIETY,GOVT OF ODISHA,SDTT, REACH INDIA FOUNDATION, YES BANK (BC Model), Swarna Pragati Housing Micro Finance (BC Model), Terre Des Homes, NRHM, Water.Org.  OSFDC, DFID-Govt. of Odisha,

Tata Trust, NABARD  


Targeted Interventions (TI), Integrated Fish Farming, Jaljeevika, Health Integration in Livelihood, Rural Sanitation, Rural Sani Mart, Sustainable Livelihood Development of SC Community in an integrated Cluster based Approach, Health & Nutrition Support Project (Shakti-Varta), Skill Development Training for Unemployed Youths, WASH Interventions, Housing and Sanitation. Health Program and ASHA Training. Watershed India Project. Clean Energy promotion, WASH improvement & Microenterprise promotion, FANI Cyclone Recovery Support to the FANI Affected Families in Puri district, Post cyclone Fani Integrated Shelter Response in Odisha, Skill Training & Life Skill Education for vulnerable women and adolescent girls. Skill for Life Project for youth. Urban SHG Promotion Program, Climate Smart Integrated Fish Farming. Jaldeep on WASH. Health Intervention and ASHA Training, Individual household toilet. IFF-FPO, WASH Improvement, Post FANI Livelihood Recovery management,  Relief Services COVID 19


·   NABARD, Odisha


·   Water.org, USA

·   Freedom From Hunger, USA

·   FINISH Society, Netherland

·   USHA International

·   SIDBI, Bhubaneswar

·   National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC)

·   TATA Project

·   S P Housing Microfinance Pvt. Ltd.

·   HSBC & NHM

·   Dutch Ministry in partnership with AKVO, IRC & Wetland International. 

·   Milaap, Bangalore

·   ONGC

·   Habitat for Humanity India.

·   World Vision.

·   SBI Life Insurance Ltd.

·   Responsenet Dev. Services

·   Terre des homes Foundation

·   GIZ, German Govt.

·   UNDP

·   Finish Society

·   UBL, Khordha

·   Azim Premji Philanthropic Initiatives